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Typical Day At S2T DTA

Helping People Thrive

S2T’s Day Treatment for Adults (DTA) service is filled with an abundance of engaging activities to increase the quality of life for participants as well as develop independent living skills. Each individual sets personal goals that are created by the Individual and their Service Plan team, and S2T staff works closely with each participant on their journey to achieving these goals. S2T’s approach gives choice to each participant and the opportunity to be involved in programs that are based on the ever-changing needs of the individual.

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Image by Dawid Zawiła

8:15 AM Arrival

Our facility opens at 8:15 am  


Transportation is provided for participants who qualify. 

Contact Us

This is just a glimpse of a typical day at S2T DTA. Activities and events provided vary daily, and participants are always involved in choosing how they want to spend their time.

You can learn more about the offerings and schedules by contacting us at (928) 522-9230 and even set up a visit

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